ES Global
for a just & sustainable world

Sustainability Reporting Solutions

ES Global has trained hundreds of executives from dozens of companies supporting their sustainability capacity needs particularly in sustainability reporting…

With over 20 years experience bridging emerging & developed country markets, gives ES Global unparalleled understanding of what constitutes good sustainability reporting.

In addition to having been a certified trainer for the GRI, we have provided sustainability evaluations for leading multinational companies and multilateral institutions such as the United Nations, World Bank and the Inter-American Development Bank.

We offer a host of sustainability reporting and training services, particularly:

Materiality Analyses ES Global can help your company undertake a strategic materiality analysis which is the heart of any  world class sustainability report. Whether you are producing your first or tenth report, along with our communications partners, ES Global is a leader in GRI materiality reporting.

Assured! Sustainability Report Assurance Based on our leading sustainability training and sustainability evaluation experience, ES Global and its assurance partners provide rigorous and comprehensive assurance services, both of Materiality Analyses and Sustainability Reports.